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The security provided by the best crypto tools is limited by its handling. AGS being a solution store, we complement our products with an intensive training, and education program chaired by Professor Gideon Samid.

The Crypto Academy is comprised of public posting (free), books and publications, and several classes:

  • Crypto Elemental -- What everyone should know
  • Crypto Proactive -- How to Use Crypto in the Unending CyberWar
  • Crypto Professional -- What a cyber security professional should know
  • Crypto Executive -- a discreet one-on-one executive exchange
  • Crypto in Depth -- For Developers, Designers, Forensic Scientists, and White Hat Hackers
    Inquire here

    www.AGSgo.com 17 Meir Ya'ari Street Tel-Aviv 69371 Israel +972-544-200-400 Nancy@AGSencryptions.com